Thursday, November 28, 2019

Child Travel Consent Form FAQ - Australia

Child Travel Consent Form FAQ - AustraliaChild Travel Consent Form FAQ - AustraliaHow old is a minor?Generally, all persons under the age of 18 are considered minor children. However, in some states a person is elend legally recognized as an adult until 21 years old. Border officials are vigilant when it comes to the documentation of children. Consequently, all persons who are not legally recognized as adults should be prepared to show they have consent to travel.What documents are needed if a child is traveling with one parent and both parents have legal custody?A notarized consent from the non-traveling parent will be required.What documents are needed if a child is traveling with one parent and the other parent has legal custody?A notarized consent from the non-traveling parent will be required.What documents are needed if a child is traveling with a parent who has sole legal custody?The parent should have a notarized true copy of a court order or equivalent proving custody.What d ocuments are needed if the other parent on the childs birth certificate is deceased?You should carry the original (or a notarized true copy) of the death certificate.Do I need to get the other parents consent if I have sole custody?If the other parent has legal rights of access (e.g. visitation rights) it is advisable to obtain his or her consent. If it is not possible to obtain consent, or if the other parent has no legal rights, you should carry a notarized true copy of a court order or equivalent to prove that you have sole custody.What if my childs last name is different than mine?You should be prepared to prove your relationship to the child by producing government issued certificates (e.g. certificates of birth, marriage, adoption or change of name).Will this travel consent suffice if my child is traveling overseas to a different country?Generally, a notarized travel consent from the non-consenting parent is all the documentation necessary to demonstrate that your child has co nsent to travel. However some foreign countries (for example, Brazil) have specific travel authorization forms for minors. If your child is traveling outside North America, you may wish to contact the consulate of the country where your child will be traveling to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Getting the Most Out of a Job Fair

Getting the Most Out of a Job Fair Getting the Most Out of a Job Fair Treating a job ritterlich as merely a matter of lining yourself up for inspection is folly. Contrary to this way of thinking, it is more advantageous to view job fairs as a tool for selecting your next employer, not the other way around. Making job fairs more effective begins with being picky about which events to attend. Narrow your employer hund to those events within your specialty and those for jobs in regions youd prefer working in. Once youve chosen your events, be as selective about employers as you were the job fairs themselves. You dont need to make an impression on every one present. Instead, select the handful of companies that are the best fit for your goals and focus on making initial contacts with these firms first. Afterwards, you may look into other employers as time permits.Time spent with an employer at a job fair is necessarily brief but that doesnt mean they are a trivial matter. The best appr oach may be to approach this type of event as you would a traditional job interview. Learn about your target companies and create a few questions for each one to demonstrate your interest and familiarity with each firm. Dress in a formal style appropriate for an interview setting and bring several versions of your resume that fit each companys goals and focus. Finally, create your brief, personal sales pitch and memorize it. Let the prospective employers know who you are, in what you specialize, and what you can do for each business.Getting the best results from a job fair can be a simple matter of knowing how, and how not, to act at a job fair. For example, while it may help calm your nerves, avoid attending job fairs with a cadre of friends. Remember, you are approaching job fairs as you would a standard interview, and your friends wouldnt tag along for that. The idea here is to stand out and build your professional network moving in group here detracts from these efforts. With th at in mind, introduce yourself to people around you whether they are hiring or looking for a job. Practice your pitch, get to know other stories, and build your network. Finally, lay off the swag. Sure, collecting a bunch of neat corporate-branded freebies may be fun, but walking around loaded up like a tourist at Disney World look unprofessional.At the end of the event, use your new contacts to your advantage. Reach out to these contacts, send them a thank-you email and dont be afraid to repeat your sales pitch and recap the benefits you have to offer their company.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

These 7 Tips Will Help You Deal With an Overly Demanding Boss

These 7 Tips Will Help You Deal With an Overly Demanding BossThese 7 Tips Will Help You Deal With an Overly Demanding BossIf youve never worked with a workaholic boss before, it can be a huge change from what you are used to. Many managers and supervisors have a way of thinking about work where it can feel like leidhing you do is enough. This can leave you feeling stressed and anxious about work.In some cases it can even feel like your boss is being deliberately difficult which only adds to the pressure. Often, this can also damageyour work/life balance, making your usual high standards even more difficult to maintain.Ultimately, there are as many ways to deal with an overly demanding boss as there are demanding bosses. Weve picked the 7 fruchtwein universal of them to help you out.1. Dont cave to them.An important thing to note about demanding bosses is that if you cave in to them and simply do as they ask, their behaviour will continue and get worse.Ultimately, if you are put in a position where you are asked to do too much work, you need to make it clear to your boss. It is the case that they may not realise that they are putting too much stress and pressure upon you. Caving in to their demands will only make the situation worse.2. Make their job easier.One of the most valuable things you can do for a boss that is demanding is to find ways to make their job easier. Its common that a demanding boss is simply in pursuit of productivity and would welcome any idea that can help with this.So why not do some research into tools that can help them?Technologies like time trackers and online employee roster planning software can make a huge difference to businesses.Consider what might be helpful at yours and bring those suggestions to your boss. Not only can this help you build a better working relationship with them- it can improve working practices at the company.3. Align your expectations with theirs.It is often the case that managers and employees can become conf used about what the other is expecting from their work.Typically this can lead to a deadline being missed or a piece of work being completed incorrectly from a managers perspective- which means they take it out on their employees. Whereas from the employees perspective, they have done what was asked and put hard work in only to be criticised.Its important, then, to ensure that your expectations are aligned with your managers. When you are discussing a project, make sure that you have documented evidence of their exact requests- if they ask you to do something additionally ad hoc, get them to send it over by email.4. Dont let them affect your work.Its important that you dont let a demanding boss affect you and your work. You shouldnt take their criticism personally- its likely that they simply have a different way of working from yours and are just trying to get more out of you or motivate you.Remember that you need to stay on good terms with your employers and managers so its always best to keep a high standard of work but take steps to deal with the issues.5. Remind them of your previous successes.Your boss should be keeping track of your successes, but there are those that do not or are simply busy with other tasks. Thats why its important that you should remind your boss of your successes when they are told of what you have done well they are more likely to praise you and appreciate you.6. Adopt their perspective.Always remember that if your manager is being demanding, there is probably an underlying reason for it. Maybe they have a superior putting pressure on them to meet targets or perhaps they are facing deadlines that you arent aware of in any case, its usually the case that there is a reason that they are putting pressure on you.7. Be honest is it just a demanding boss or a bully?It is important to consider whether your boss is being demanding as a way of encouraging productivity, or whether they are simply bullying. Bullying in the workplace is com mon and can be difficult to notice when it is your superior.The next time your boss makes a demand of you, take a step back and ask yourself whether what they are asking is reasonable or whether they are being deliberately malicious.If it is the case that bullying is taking place in the form of an overworking or micromanagement, it is important to deal with it as soon as possible. Gather evidence of this workplace bullying so that it can eventually be taken to a superior. But its also worth talking to your boss first- it may be the case that they dont realise that their behaviour is bullying. Talking to them about it can make them change their ways.Struggling with an overly demanding boss? Maybe its a sign you should quit your jobright now. What do you think?Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments